Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Observation/Interpretaion on Col. 4 in its entirety-by Iris

Who-Paul, Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, Epaphras, Luke, Demas, Nympha, Archippus, Justus

Where-Laodicea, Hierapolis

What-Be Holy

Structure gram.-You conduct yourselves…


 Atmosphere- thanksgiving

Literary-Letter, greeting, instructions


Master-a person having authority, power and control over the actions of other people

Wisdom-ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding


Seasoned- to mature, ripen, or condition by exposure to suitable conditions or treatment, to accustom or harden

Number-to consider or include in a number


Assured-subjective, with reference to an effect on the mind (persuaded)

Testify-bear witness to: affirm as fact or truth: attest

Concern-a matter that engages a person’s attention, interest, or care, or that affects a person’s welfare or happiness

Heed-to give careful attention to

Grace-a manifestation of favor, mercy, pardon

Repeated words-grace-2, church-2, faithful-2, say,speak,speech-4 pray,prayers-3,imprison/imprisonment-2, grett/greeting-5

Phrases-beloved brother-2, who is one of your number-2

Note-there are a lot of action words in this chapter-grant, devote, praying, speaking, conduct, inform, welcome, laboring, testify, read, say, take, sent

Paul again esteems his brother Epaphras as at the beginning of this letter. Also I hear warning in Paul’s words to Archippus in verse 17

Matthew Henry writes

Diligence in redeeming time, commends religion to the good opinion of others. Even what is only carelessness may cause a lasting prejudice against the truth. Let all discourse be discreet and seasonable as becomes Christians.  Though it be not always of grace, it must always be with grace.

                John Wesley writes on verse 5

Mortify therefore-Put to death, slay with a continued stroke, Your members-Which together make up the body of sin.  Which are upon the earth-Where they find their nourishment.  Uncleanness in act, word, or thought.  Inordinate affection-Every passion which does not flow from and lead to the love of God.  Evil desire-the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eye, and the pride of life.  Covetousness-According to the derivation of the word, means the desire of having more, or of any -thing independent of God. Which is idolatry-properly and directly, for it is giving the heart to the creature.  WOW POWERFUL WORDS


Iris Washington/Dealer Payments

Equipment Depot Texas 

4100 S. Interstate 35

Waco, TX 76706

T:  (254) 662-9022, 1072

F: (254)  662-4878


Monday, January 16, 2012

Chapter 4 This Saturday

Chapter 4 Study will be this Saturday after Jeffery's Place.
We meet at Jeffery's Place at 2pm, and then move to Fazoli's by the mall around 3:30pm.
Hope to see you all there !