Sunday, September 11, 2011

Colossians 1 - Tess's thoughts

Colossians Chapter 1
In addition to what y'all wrote, these terms popped out at me:
Understanding, knowledge, wisdom, teaching, mature, hope, hearing, truth, continue
Vss 5, 6, 9, 28 understanding, hearing, truth
I am reminded of our catechism question that asks:  How may we know there is a God?  And part of the answer says the light of nature in man and creation – BUT the other part of that answer says it is His Word and Spirit that do it fully and effectually to save sinners.  I see this latter part of the answer in Colossians here.
Vs 5, 6 hearing and understanding and truth
Here I see that you have to hear AND understand the gospel which is truth. The Gospel is truth – the word of God in truth and the grace of God is truth. You have to understand it – The Word of God and Spirit effectually save- It is the Spirit that give this salvific understanding of the Word.
Vs 9 knowledge and wisdom
Paul and those he is with are praying for knowledge, wisdom, and understanding for the saints at Colossae.  Our learning is not to stop once we are saved. We have to keep pressing on toward maturing in the Lord. Maturity is immediately obeying the Lord's will on your life. We cannot do this if we do not know and understand the Scriptures. And wisdom is doing what God commands of us in His Word. (Could wisdom and maturity be used interchangeably?)
Vs 28  is Paul again speaking about teaching, wisdom and maturity in Christ
Paul wrote this letter to correct error. And consistent with this I see Paul challenging the saints to not be ignorant of the Word or of the person and deity of Christ. In Chapter 1 I see the deity and preeminence of Christ displayed and defended.
Vs 15 – 20  Speaks of Christ
I think of our catechism question: Who is the first and chiefiest being?
Vs 15 - 20 image of invisible God, firstborn of all creation (He is the most important of all), all was created by Him, all things hold together in Him, He is the head, He is the beginning, all the fullness of God dwells in Him, reconciliation is found only through Him and by His blood
I think it was Spurgeon who uses a ladder as an illustration of Christ. Spurgeon says that a ladder is only useful if it touches the bottom and goes all the way to the top.  All this section of chapter one verses 15 – 20 talk about Christ, but especially vs 19 I think shows Christ as the top of the ladder. He is God; He is deity.  The first part of vs 18 says He is the first born of the dead. He cannot be the firstborn of the dead if He was not also fully human and thus qualified to represent us (members of the dead – Adam's seed).  Spurgeon's illustration of the ladder has stuck with me, and when I see Christ's humanity and deity in Scripture I usually doodle a ladder in the margin. The Gospel is the only message that teaches Christ is the only way. We need nothing else to be saved. And this is one of the errors that Paul is combating in this letter.
Vs 21 Paul reminds the saints of who we were apart from Christ and who we are now through His sacrifice. This is a good verse to pray over non believers. It also reminds me of my story and who I was before Christ.
Vs 24 – What do y'all think Paul means when he says "…and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions…"

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